The difficulties of Senior Relocation

If you are in your 20’s, 30’s, heck, even your 40’s, moving from one place to another may simply mean that you’re about to embark on another chapter of your life. But when it comes to the elderly ones, it could mean so much more.

Senior relocation may be such a difficult moment to undergo for several, different reasons. For one, our grannies and grampies may feel like this is the last move of their lives. How on earth are they going to deal with that so easily? Also, the thought of having to leave the place they once called home could be an issue, considering all the meaningful memories they’ve been able to experience in there. We have to admit that our elders could be a little more sentimental about this kind of stuff. Indeed, senior relocation could bring about a lot of concerns and issues—those that could even serve as blockades to your already fixed plans of moving.

Among those issues is a condition which we refer to as the RSS or the Relocation Stress Syndrome. The RSS, also referred to by others as “Transfer Trauma”, is characterized by the occurrence of disturbances, both psychological and physiological, which results from having to transfer the person from one place to another. This said syndrome may cause our dear elders to feel disoriented and depressed, conditions that could be harmful to the health of our loved ones.

It is a bit saddening to know that these kinds of things happen during senior relocation, but don’t worry too much for these could be managed. The most important thing to consider is to make the move as easy as possible for the elderly. Include them in the process as you accomplish and go through your moving plans. Keep on asking them about how they feel towards every aspect of your move. Honor their preferences as well, and pay attention. The next thing you know, they’re about as excited as you are in embarking on this new adventure.

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